Wednesday 10 November 2010


I made my logo mainly in illustrator and a bit in photoshop. I started off by opening a new A4 sized document in illustrator. I then used the text tool and typed my logo name 'FreeRideBMX' three times. I arranged them so they were on top of each other. I the change the top ones font to wingdings 2 and the bottom one to wingdings 3. I left the middle one as a readable font. I then made the top and the bottom text white and the middle ext a light blue.
I the took this image into photoshop and as a background for my logo i used the gradient tool and chose a colourful pre set. I then clicked and dragged a little bit in the bottom right of my logo to make the effect i have. I then went onto the layer with my logo on and applied a drop shadow by using the blending options

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