Wednesday 2 February 2011

How Photoshop Has Influenced Current Practice

Adobe Photoshop is a programme in which people are able to edit photos and images. It was originally invented by two brothers who made several changes to the programme in which they first made until they eventually got Photoshop 1.0 which later got sold to Adobe and they then released it in 1990. Ever since 1990 more people have became aware of this programme and has has a massive influence on them to make a picture of their own into a perfect piece of work. Also since 1990 more versions of Photoshop have been created and released each with new features, tools and ideas. Due to these new versions being released, and making them better than the last one, people have been able to create more precise and amazingly professional images.
Photoshop has influenced the photography world more than any other as a photographer can open an image of theirs into Photoshop and then make it better or add all sorts of things to it to make it look a lot better and then possibly sell it. It influences them because it gives them things to do to an image which could never have been done to this extent in any other image editing programme. As Photoshop has progressed with new features, versions and upgrades, it is possible to make a perfectly realistic picture from nothing other than a blank canvas and every tool you need in Photoshop. Here is an image of Photoshop 1.0 and another of Photoshop cs5, the most recent version.


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