Tuesday 8 February 2011

3D Text Effect Imgae

Today we leaned how to create a 3D text image in photoshop. I started off by creating a new document with a black background and then duplicated it and then put a gradient from black to white on this new layer. I then made a new layer with the word D&B on it. I then add edited it in the repousse part of photoshop and added and excrusion to it to make the ext 3D. I then converted the text layer and the gradient layer into a 3D postcard and merged them together using the 3D merge option. After this I used several tools within the 3D menu to make the gradient face upwards from the floor, the text sit on top of that gradient and finally place a light in the corner shining down on the text which gave a shadow on the floor as well. I then opened the text layer in a new tab in photoshop and changed the colour to a light blue which changed the colour of my original image as well.

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