Wednesday 16 February 2011


The subject that I had to complete for his capture unit was to create a website. We could use any form of capture of our choice to be included in the website in way or another. My chosen method of capture was photography. I chose photography because I think its a good way of capturing as through one photograph it could tell a whole story or just show something spectacular or in my case show stuff for other people to see. I decided that my websites theme was going to be based upon bmxing. I chose bmxing because I have always found it fun and interesting and used to do it as a hobby.

When it came to the website designing I decided to make it quite simple yet different. The simple part was that I would have the normal web pages such as the Home, Pictures and info page which can be found on most websites. The different part to my website was that I wanted to use a fair amount of 3D effects throughout the website. I think that I have achieved it and works well with the website.

I started off by going to a local bike shop and take some pictures of bmx's, bmx components such as handle bars, pedals, rims etc. and accessories for bmxing like protective gear. I took a range of photos and then placed them into my website as it was in production. I used these images that I taken as backgrounds, advertising a variety of products and also used these images as pictures just to look at. 

What worked best for me was that it was easier to get the exact image that I want as I had them on a camera, rather than finding one on the internet as it might not be how I want it or the same colour. This helped as it saved me some time and could just get straight into my website designing.

In future projects I am almost on hundred percent certain that I would something on the lines of photography as it gives you an endless image selection of what you want. This could help in most projects as it saves time, helps you get what you want, exactly how you want it. I would probably still make my website in flash I know what to to within this programme.

The research side of this worked helped out quite a bit as it helped me look at other peoples work and gave me a better understanding of what to do to make an image look good. Also I looked at the history of photography and it was interesting to see how its evolved over a period of time not that great. Looking at old photographs also shows the original methods of photography which showed me that photography has almost been used for the same reason and has never changed. The artistic side of photography was different in a way as it has been used for pieces of work to show off and show how good they are at what they do.

Next time if I were to do this again I would most probably change the theme to something which can make me experiment more with photography. This would be a plus side as it would help me get an even better knowledge of this method of capture and also I could possibly produce photographs of a high standard with a lot of though put into them.

From this project I have learned several new things the first one being the history of photography. this was good as it shows how long its been around for and the new ways of taking images. Also I now have a better understanding of Flash which is very useful as I will be using this software more during my time at college. I also feel a lot more confident using Flash now. As well as learning some new skills on Flash I also learned some on Photoshop as I used this programme to edit some images and make the designs for my buttons, text boxes and the 3D structure of my website.

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