Wednesday 1 December 2010

seagull animation

I started off by opening flash. I then I opened imported 5 seperate images which i previously cropped into the library. With these images i made a seagull flying across the screen. the first image was the segulls body, the others were 2 wings up and 2 wings down. I placed the wings onto the seagull and made the wings flap. I then saved it as a movie clip and opened it up gain and placed it onto frame 1. I then went to frame 40 and pressed F6 and moved it across to the other side of the scene. I then added a classic tween. With this i can add many more seagulls into different layers to make them bigger or smaller and fly in the background or foreground at different time. I could then add a blur to the ones in the background. The ones further away would have more blur to make the scene look realistic

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