Tuesday 7 December 2010

Flash Website

To start with i opened action script 2 in flash. I then made 3 new layers so i had four layers and then named them. I then, on all layers, made them 40 frames long with a key frame at every ten frames. I then made a square and filled it with a colour and then copied and pasted it into the other for frames of ten key frames but a different colour each time. I then, on the buttons layer inserted buttons so when i click them it would take me to another page. I then added text on the contents layer on each ten key frames with a different title each time. After this i placed stops in the actions layer at every ten frames. I then, in the actions part, made each button take you to a specific page.
Once it was set up i started to place stuff into it such as text. I done this by copying some text from a web page then went into flash and made a box by using the text tool. I then added a scroll navigator to the side of it. I then pasted the text several more time so i had something to scroll through.

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