Wednesday 1 December 2010

My BMX Logo Animation

I made this animation in photoshop. I started off by opening my logo that i have previously made then editing it several time until I had 11 layers. The first layer would have one letter on it. I then, on each layer, added one letter at a time until the 11th layer in which had the full word 'FreeRideBMX'. With this done I added it into the animation area. I Made the first scene blank and then the the next one to have the layer with letter. I kept adding these layers onto new scenes until it counted up a letter at a time until I had the complete 'FreeRideBMX' logo I then created a new layer, out of the animation area, and made my logo decrease in opacity by 10% . I done this 9 more times onto new layers until it was not visible. In the animation I added these layers onto new scenes after my previous part that I made. The overall effect was my logo would appear one letter at a time until i had the full logo, then it eventually disappear.

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