Wednesday 15 December 2010


I mademy first logo idea in Illustrator. I started by opening a new anvas and selecting the pen tol. I then typed my logo name 'FreeRideBMX' and made it a black text. I then added a dark grey stroke to it so it had an outline. I then changed the size to a bigger size so it was easily visible and then changed the font to something bold.


For this logo i used the exact same method as i dd to create my previouse one except i flipped the 'e' horizontaly. I done this by making my first logo again and rubbing out the 'e'. I then used the text tool and typed the letter e in the same font, size and colour as the main logo. I then transformed it to a vhorizontaly flipped position.

With this logo i used the text tool and typed my logo's name. I then changed the font and size to make it look bolder. I then changed the colour to a coloured texture and this was the outcome. The one thing i did do wrong ion this logo was at then end of the text i didnt make th 'mx' in bmx capital letters like i was meant to.

 With this logo i typed the words at three seperate times and moved them into a stair like position. I then cose a reasonable sixe for them and changed the font of all of them whilst making sure they were still black. I then opend this logo that i have made in photoshop and used the magic wand tool to select the area of the first letter of every word. I then made these areas my work path. i then used the text tool and typed the letter if the first word around the origianla letter. I then did this for the other two letters and erased the first letter of every word by using the eraser tool.

With this logo i used the text tool and then typed the three wordsof my logo at sperate times rather than all in one. I then made the first to words a samll size and made the last word a bigger size. I then placed these words in order into a specific way so that the two first words were ontop of the third and not bigger than the width of it either.

With this logo i opened up apicture of a man with his arms spread in the air nad used the pen tool to trace the outline of him. I then made this line that i had created a dashed line and delete the original image of the man. I then went on to making the text in which i would place between his hands to make it look like he was holding my logo. I done this by using the text tool and making a thick blue stroke on the text. i then warped it so it was an arced shape and placed inbetween his hands. I then added scissors on his arm to make the man have a cut out effect.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Neville Brody

Neville Brody is an English graphic designer, typographer and art director. He is an alumnus of the London College of Printing and Hornsey College of Art and Design, and is known for his work on The Face magazine and Arena magazine as well as for designing record covers for artists such as Cabaret Voltaire and Depeche Mode. He created the company Research Studios and is a founding member of Fontworks. He has been announced to be the new Head of the Communication Art & Design department at the Royal College of Art commencing in January 2011. I like his work particularly because he doesn't just make an image from letter, he makes them with an image in the background or foreground which makes it a bit more of a complicated image overall rather than  just a text based image.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Flash Website

To start with i opened action script 2 in flash. I then made 3 new layers so i had four layers and then named them. I then, on all layers, made them 40 frames long with a key frame at every ten frames. I then made a square and filled it with a colour and then copied and pasted it into the other for frames of ten key frames but a different colour each time. I then, on the buttons layer inserted buttons so when i click them it would take me to another page. I then added text on the contents layer on each ten key frames with a different title each time. After this i placed stops in the actions layer at every ten frames. I then, in the actions part, made each button take you to a specific page.
Once it was set up i started to place stuff into it such as text. I done this by copying some text from a web page then went into flash and made a box by using the text tool. I then added a scroll navigator to the side of it. I then pasted the text several more time so i had something to scroll through.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

My BMX Logo Animation

I made this animation in photoshop. I started off by opening my logo that i have previously made then editing it several time until I had 11 layers. The first layer would have one letter on it. I then, on each layer, added one letter at a time until the 11th layer in which had the full word 'FreeRideBMX'. With this done I added it into the animation area. I Made the first scene blank and then the the next one to have the layer with letter. I kept adding these layers onto new scenes until it counted up a letter at a time until I had the complete 'FreeRideBMX' logo I then created a new layer, out of the animation area, and made my logo decrease in opacity by 10% . I done this 9 more times onto new layers until it was not visible. In the animation I added these layers onto new scenes after my previous part that I made. The overall effect was my logo would appear one letter at a time until i had the full logo, then it eventually disappear.

seagull animation

I started off by opening flash. I then I opened imported 5 seperate images which i previously cropped into the library. With these images i made a seagull flying across the screen. the first image was the segulls body, the others were 2 wings up and 2 wings down. I placed the wings onto the seagull and made the wings flap. I then saved it as a movie clip and opened it up gain and placed it onto frame 1. I then went to frame 40 and pressed F6 and moved it across to the other side of the scene. I then added a classic tween. With this i can add many more seagulls into different layers to make them bigger or smaller and fly in the background or foreground at different time. I could then add a blur to the ones in the background. The ones further away would have more blur to make the scene look realistic

Photoshop Animation

I made this animation in photoshop. I started off by opening 4 different images.I then opened the animation programme inside photoshop. After this I only made the background image visible on the first frame. I then made the far left picture visible for the second frame and then the  for the third frame made the middle picture visible as well as the others. I the made another frame in which the original background image was only visible again but added a website name using the text tool. i the made the first 4 frames last for 0.5 seconds and the last frame with the website address last for 2 seconds so it gives you a bit of time to read it.