Monday 18 October 2010


 To start with I opened a picture of a t shirt in Photoshop. I then opened 2 more pictures, one of the 'no!' graffiti and one of the eye with wings. With these 2 pictures i put a layer mask on them and got rid of any unwanted background and then placed onto my t shirt. I the changed the hue/saturation of the t shirt image to make it a blackish colour.
 In this picture I done the same process as i did in the previous image but used a 3D graffiti picture. Also instead of using a layer mask I used the the polygonal lasso tool and carefully went around the outside and inside of my image and deleted the background until I was left with just the 3D graffiti. I then placed this image on top of the t shirt and then edited it by rotating it and making it bigger. I then added the graffiti eye which i had already edited onto it as well.
With this t shirt I got 3 images of graffiti stencils and opened them up in Photoshop. I the got rid of all of the white on each image by using the magic wand tool. Once it was just a black stencil I placed them onto my t shirt image and turned the fill down a bit on all of them to make them blend in with the t shirt a bit more.

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