Wednesday 20 October 2010

3D text & Lighting

I made this in Max. I started off by using the text shape tool and clicked the centre of the canvas. I then typed the letter C and extruded it to make it 3D. After this i rotated from it laying down to an upright position. i then chose an easily readable font for the letter and changed the size to make it bigger. After that i cloned it as a copy so i can edit it. With this clone i changed into a letter A and then made it a bit smaller and moved it back and left a bit to make it look like that it is behind the first letter. I did this to all of the other letters, cloning it as a copy and then making it smaller and moving it back and left. Once i had spelt the word capture, I went into the material editor in the rendering drop down menu and chose compact material editor. With this i can make a pattern of a texture and place onto a letter. The first texture pattern i made was a blue and black smoke looking pattern. With this i dragged it over the letter C. I then made a green and black smoke pattern and dragged over the letter after. Once i had done that i dragged the blue and black over the letter P. I kept doing this until i had a pattern so every other letter was a different colour. The image above was my final outcome and i am pleased with it is a very bold model and that was what i was aiming to create.

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